DID YOU KNOW: In Number 15, God commanded Moses to make a prayer shawl with white with blue stripes and draped it over his head. This prayer shawl is also called a tallit. The most important part of the tallit is its corners and the fringes of its corners. The corner itself is called the kanaf. And the fringes on the corners are called the tzitzit. Each tassel is made from 8 threads and 5 double knots for a continual reminder of the 613 blessings and commands found in the Torah.

The New Testament gives us no physical description of what Jesus looked like. But we do know what He wore. He wore on His garments the kanaf and the tzitzit. In Matthew 9 we are told of a woman that touched the hem of His garment and is instantly healed of her infirmity. This was not a onetime miracle. In fact, it’s recorded that every time someone touched the hem of His garment they were healed. But they didn’t just touch the hem of His garment. The word in Greek for what they touched is kraspedon. Kraspedon is a translation of the Hebrew words kanaf and tzitzit. So, they weren’t just touching the hem of His garment; they were touching the sacred corner and fringe of His garment as reminder to God of His promises. Malachi 4:2 tells us; “The sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings.” But in Hebrew, it doesn’t say wings. It says, “The sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in His kanaf”, the very word that also means the corner and fringe of His garment. So they touched the kanaf, the corner, the fringe, of the sun of righteousness, Jesus the Messiah, and they found healing from the promises of God.