The SECOND Barrier

He took me into what was known as the Chamber of Books, a massive room of towering bookcases filled with volumes of mostly old or ancient-looking books. Retrieving one of these from the shelves, a large, reddish volume, he laid it on a wooden table, opened it up, and began to share.

There were in the Temple of Jerusalem two major barriers separating God from man, the holy from the unholy.

One was formed by two massive doors of gold—the doors of the hekhal, the Holy place. These separated the holy place from the Temple courts.

The other, deeper inside, was called the parochet, the colossal veil that separated the holy place from the Holy of Holies and through which only the high priest could enter on the Day of Atonement.

They were the representations of the barrier separating each of us from God, the chasm between the sinful and the most holy. But it is recorded in the New Testament that at the time of Messiah’s death, the parochet, the veil of the holy of holies, was torn in two. What would that have signified?”

“That the barrier between man and God was removed?”

“Exactly. But there was still a second barrier, the golden doors of the hekhal. Should not that barrier have been opened as well?

Could there have been a second sign, a second witness? There was, and of the most powerful kind . . . an opposing witness. 

This is in Tractate Yoma 39,” he said, pointing to the open book, “from the writings of the rabbis, the Talmud. It contains a most amazing thing. The rabbis record that before the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, a strange thing began to take place in the Temple. The second barrier, the golden doors of the hekhal, began to open by itself.”

When did they start doing that?

  • The rabbis record that it began to happen about forty years before AD 70.
  • Then it comes to about the year AD 30!
  • Yes, and which just happens to be the same time that something else took place in Jerusalem, the Rabbi Yeshua, Jesus, died as the final atonement, to remove the barrier from man to God.

So powerfully testifies to such a fact? Never. And the fact remains that rabbis themselves bear witness concerning the removal of the second barrier, and, thus, that at the time of Messiah’s death, that which was separating God from man . . . God from us . . . was removed . . . and that the way to His presence has been opened.

TODAY: Even the rabbis bear witness, around AD 30, the way was opened. Use the power of Messiah today to open the doors that are closed.