DID YOU KNOW: Psalm 90:12 states; “So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
What is it to number our days?
In the Hebrew language the text says, “Teach us to manah our days.” The word manah means to PREPARE and APPOINT. The prophet Jonah sailed from the ancient port of Joppa as he purposefully ran from the plan of God for his life. In the book of Jonah, it says that GOD appoints or “MANAHS” a FISH (1:17), a WORM (4:7), and a WIND (4:8) to help the prophet get back on track to accomplish His will.

We number our days by dedicating them to the purpose and plan of God. Don’t let your days determine your life. Let your LIFE determine your DAYS.
TODAY: Don’t just let day after day go by… APPOINT them, that every day may become a BLESSING, FULL of LIFE and PURPOSE.