DID YOU KNOW: on the day of His death, Jesus the Messiah was arrested, beaten, bound, scourged, abused, mocked, humiliated, degraded, stripped naked, nailed to a cross, put on display as a blasphemer and a criminal, cursed, judged guilty, and condemned to death. It all happened on Friday, the sixth day. It was also on the sixth day of creation that God made man in His own image.

On the sixth day of the crucifixion, it all happened in reverse. On the sixth day of creation God made man in His image. But on the sixth day of crucifixion, man made God in his image.

On the sixth day, the day of man’s creation, God caused man to bear the image of God, an image of glory and perfection.

So on the sixth day, the day of man’s redemption, man caused God to bear the image of fallen man, as one who had fallen, as one found guilty, and as one cast out. All that was the image of man’s fall. So God was judged as a blasphemer because blasphemy was the sin of man. Man passed judgment on God, because man himself was under judgment. As God had made man in the image of God’s glory, man now made God in the image of man’s guilt and shame. As God had made Adam in His image, it was now Adam making God in the image of Adam, as one who had transgressed, under judgment and condemned to death, cursed, and separated from God. When you look at the cross, you are beholding God in the image of man.

Why did God allow Himself to be so abused and degraded?

God allowed Himself to bear the image of man, that man might again be allowed to bear the image of God. God allowed Himself to bear the image of fallen man, that man might bear the image of the risen God. So make it your aim that your life would become a reflection of His life, your nature a reflection of His nature, your works a reflection of His works, and your heart a reflection of His heart. Allow Him to make you and form you into His image. For God bore your image in His death, that you, in your life, could bear the image of God.

TODAY: Jesus the Messiah, in His death, took upon Himself your image. Now choose to take upon yourself His image. Live today in the image and nature of God.